Frequently Asked Questions!
What is a Hack-a-thon?
A hackathon is a 48-hour event where individuals get together for a short period of time to collaborate on a project. Participants work rapidly and often work in groups to achieve their tasks.
I have no prior hacking experience, can I still participate?
Yes! While the word "hack" is in hackathon, hackathons are primarily focused on the coding used for building projects.Who can attend and do I have to know coding?
No prior knowledge of computer science is needed! We encourage all levels of coders to attend. In our events, we dedicate officers/mentors/tutors to help all hackers find their beginnings in CS.Is there travel reimbursements?
Unfortunately, we will not be able to reimburse travel costs.Do I work by myself or with teams?
You can work either in a solo project, or you can choose to work with other students as a team.Who will I meet at the event?
You will meet other students, event organizers, or even company/sponsor representatives.Is there a theme for the project?
Yes, there is a theme planned for the event. We'll unveil it as we approach the event date.How can I get possible project ideas?
Check Devpost! Devpost is a website where hackathon results are displayed. Check the pages of previous hackathons for ideas!How do I prepare in general?
Think of what you want to build, what tools you want to use, and reach out to potential teammates to brainstorm together.Is there a code of conduct?
Yes! Check it out here.
What other events will be held in the convention?
There will be a host of events including workshops from sponsors and ACM student leaders, panels, showcases, and fun mini-games!Where can I contact you for any questions or support?
You may email us at